Why be an ISBA member?

We empower members to thrive professionally and personally through advocacy, education, and connections.

Join the Indiana State Bar Association (ISBA) and gain access to the subject matter experts, resources, tools, and initiatives that help make your passion possible.

Click here to review ISBA's current membership brochure »


Find solutions to your professional challenges

  • Such as ISBA's health insurance plan and Fastcase, along with other resources to help you save money and run your practice.
  • Through our sections, knowledge-sharing, peer learning, and insights into emerging trends and best practices help you develop your expertise and better serve your clients.
  • We leverage our statewide reach to keep you informed on the latest developments through timely, practical, and accessible CLE programs and other offerings. 


Connect you with other lawyers statewide

  • By attending our affordable professional development programs and statewide networking events, you can gain referrals, develop your area of expertise and create a support network. And with more than 25 sections and 30 committees, there’s something for everyone.
  • There is an ISBA member eager to connect with you through one of our mentoring experiences, available for all career levels.


Advocate for the profession

  • Because of the expertise of our members, we are uniquely positioned as a go-to resource for the courts on issues ranging from parenting time guidelines, technology innovations, ethics rules, and many others.
  • We fight for lawyers. The work of our full-time lobbyist provides our members a pathway to be heard. Every year, we help educate legislators and work to draft and fix bills. 

Be a part of Indiana’s largest legal network today and get access to exclusive opportunities and resources available just for members, including publications like Res Gestae and Addendum.


Join or renew

If you currently are a member of the ISBA, renew your membership »

If you have never been a member of the ISBA, join as a new member »

If you previously were a member but your membership lapsed, renew your membership »

Not sure? Contact Carissa Long at clong@inbar.org or Julie Gott at jgott@inbar.org to find out your membership status.


Contact us

With questions about member benefits, please contact Carissa Long at clong@inbar.org.